While old wives tales can be amusing, neither midwives, OB's or physicians use the baby's heart rate as a determiner of sex. A study mentioned in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, "found...
Category: Pregnancy
Is Hair Dye Safe During Pregnancy? Many women worry about what kind of chemicals they're being exposed to when dyeing their hair. The main question on their mind of course is simply, is hair...
An episiotomy is a surgical cut your doctor may make in the muscular area between your vagina and anus just before delivery to enlarge your vaginal opening. Doctors generally perform episiotomies to...
What Is Water Birth? Water birth is basically what it sounds like, giving birth to your baby underwater. Usually, you'll spend the final stages of your labor in a birthing pool, with delivery...
Pregnancy weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to food-borne illnesses that could make you sick and even harm your baby. So while your pregnancy may heighten this year's...
As if being in tremendous labor pain, having a gown that doesn't stay shut in the back and knowing that at some point before it's all over, you'll have a room full of virtual strangers watching your...